Sunday 1 May 2016

The Plastic Puzzle


Hi, I'm Oliver Spray from Freshwater State School.
At the start of this year, I was among a group of year five students from schools around Cairns selected to participate in an environmental sustainabilty project with the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre.

As part of the project we went to Green Island and participated in a beach clean-up with Tangaroa Blue.  We found a lot of rubbish, and most of it was plastic, so I decided to make my project about plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways.


  1. Great Blog Oliver. Some great ideas for avoiding plastic. I like the focus on the top 4. Keep Up the Good Work!

  2. Hi Oliver, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and learning about all the marvellous things that you have done. I really appreciated your recipe for the beeswax wrap and want to try it out! Really inspiring work!

  3. Hi Oliver
    Wow! You have certainly done your research. I found your blog very interesting and it made me think about how many times I use plastic only once. I hadn't thought about taking my own container to the shop or butcher to buy meat. I might try that one day. It makes sense as I usually throw out the plastic bag when I get home and put the meat in a container anyway. I was given some beeswax lunch wraps a year ago. They are a great alternative to glad wrap. Keep sharing this positive message to help our beautiful environment. Awesome effort!
